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Increased demand
for fish protein has been met by increased cultivation of many
species of freshwater and marine fish. In spite of state
of the art technology to fulfill the production needs, it is
necessary to optimize different production factors in fish
culture operations to minimize the possible ecological impacts,
water quality, microbiological, toxicological (dioxin) and
disease problems of farmed
fish. Without knowing and controlling them, it will be hard to
program viable aquaculture industries. The fish feeding systems
can lead to undesired complications due to inadequate training
and skills of workers as well as lack of proper translation of
manuals. A major bottleneck for reliable fish production
is the high mortality rate during larval stage. Factors that
affect larval survival and quality are not yet well-defined. In
order to be competitive, fish farmers, technicans and
trainers in vocational and continuing education institutions
often need contemporary scientific curriculum on brood stock
management, larval culture, disease management,
biosecurity, and cage aquaculture. Surveys and
literatures on fish farming show that an integrated effort is
crucial to blend in the discrete pieces of information and
experience that have accumulated over the years
for potential solutions in
fish farming.